Support Us


The Fact Tree Youth Service is a community based, non-government organisation and registered charity in the City of Sydney Local Government Area. Although we do receive some Government funding we also rely on assistance from the wider community. You can help us help others by making a tax deductable donation. The Fact Tree Youth Service accepts donations in a number of forms:

• Brokerage donations: our clients often need items such as whitegoods, furniture, nappies and other essential baby care and we have limited brokerage to fund such items. We assist a large number of young single mothers who receive little or no support from their partners or family and many of them struggle to afford the basic needs for themselves and their children. We would welcome the donation of the items themselves or financial assistance to purchase necessary goods for families in need. Brokerage donations can also be put towards items which help our clients achieve their case management goals, i.e. paying for their L’s test, paying for ID documents such as birth certificates etc.

• Program donations: donations toward a program would assist The Fact Tree to fund activities for our After Hours or School Holiday programs, resources for our girls or boys programs including the costs associated with guest speakers and other items such as sporting equipment or art supplies. We also accept donations for sports teams (Oztag) or our Nutrition Program which involves the young people preparing and cooking meals.

• Monetary donation: any monetary donation can be allocated to a specific area at the donor’s request including general use. The Fact Tree is always looking to improve our services by upgrading the drop-in and office spaces and office items (computers) which would improve productivity.

If you’d like to support one of our programs, please contact us to find out how.

Phone: (02) 9319 2708
Fax: (02) 9319 7584


The Fact Tree would like to thank the following organisations for their support and generosity in helping us provide a holistic service to the community:

• City of Sydney Council – COS has given us funding for the past 3 years so that we can deliver our After Hours program for the local young people. Without their continued support we would not be able to provide safe, diversionary late night programming on Friday and Saturday nights, a service which is vitally important for our local young people.

• St George Foundation – St George Foundation generously granted The Fact Tree funds to deliver a Nutrition Program for the young people. Not only does this program give our clients a healthy meal 5 days a week, it also gives them the opportunity to learn important life skills like cooking and budgeting on a weekly basis.

• ClubsNSW – continued support from ClubsNSW has allowed us to provide brokerage for our clients who are suffering from financial hardship. In particular, we have been able to assist young mothers to establish their homes by purchasing items such as washing machines, cooking utensils, bed sheets etc, as well as relieving some of the everyday financial burdens by providing toiletries, food, bus/train tickets to medical appointments etc.

• Hopscoth Films – young people at The Fact Tree were overwhelmed by the generosity shown by Hopscotch Films who donated Christmas presents for our clients at our Christmas Party last year.



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